
Showing posts from April, 2020

Holding lightly or Leaving the Echo-Chamber

I am very much a person of extremes. I either love something or I hate it. There is seldom an in-between for me, it is all or nothing. This was especially true when I was younger. At age 25 I had chosen my beliefs, both politically and spiritually. I was genuinely convinced that those beliefs would never change and moreover that they should not change. In my utter naivety, I thought I had found the ultimate and unchangeable truth. Looking back now I marvel at the strange mixture of innocence and arrogance. I loved to learn, but only about those things I already knew or believed. In fact, I was so fastidious about guarding my 'boundaries'  that a few years ago when a friend gifted me with a book by theologian Timothy Keller I first contacted my good friend, Rudi, to enquire if he knew the author's work and whether it was alright for me to read.  Looking back now I realize what I was really asking was: "Will this book unsettle me? Will this author tell me something I do ...

The Long and Winding Road

As I sit down to write this, it is somewhat of a shock to realize that I have been a practicing Celtic Christian for just shy of five years now. Before finding Celtic Christianity I searched far and wide for a Spiritual Home and it wasn't until I discovered this ancient branch of Christianity that I truly felt at home in the religion I was born into. Five years ago I was Spiritually tired. I can think of no other way to describe it, the dogma, the doctrine, all of it just left me tired and drained to the very depths of my soul and in the darkest corner of my heart, the fear was growing, fear that in the end there may not be a place for me in the Christian House-hold... I don't have the words to describe the absolute relief I felt when I discovered Celtic Christianity. It felt like belonging, like coming home. The more holistic approach, respecting nature as God's creation and getting to know a Jesus who holds the universe in his hand and yet is present in a very real way in...

Emma 2020 - Pretty as a Picture

I had a blog planned for this week, dealing with Corona and the lockdown, but honestly, when it came right down to it I just didn't have the stomach for it. I'm fast approaching Corona and lockdown saturation and maybe some of you reading this are too. So instead I'm going to tell you about a delightful little movie that is helping to keep me upbeat during these strange times. I think most of you who read this blog know what a big Jane Austen fan I am. I also love period movies in general. But when I heard that Jane Austen's romantic comedy Emma was getting a remake in 2020 I was skeptical, to say the least. There have been many very good adaptions of   Emma in my lifetime and I wondered if one more version was really needed. I finally got to see this movie just before the lockdown and I found it...very pretty, but as I told a good friend at the time I found the story on the slight side. Since then I've watched this movie twice more and discovered that this version...