Holding lightly or Leaving the Echo-Chamber
I am very much a person of extremes. I either love something or I hate it. There is seldom an in-between for me, it is all or nothing. This was especially true when I was younger. At age 25 I had chosen my beliefs, both politically and spiritually. I was genuinely convinced that those beliefs would never change and moreover that they should not change. In my utter naivety, I thought I had found the ultimate and unchangeable truth. Looking back now I marvel at the strange mixture of innocence and arrogance. I loved to learn, but only about those things I already knew or believed. In fact, I was so fastidious about guarding my 'boundaries' that a few years ago when a friend gifted me with a book by theologian Timothy Keller I first contacted my good friend, Rudi, to enquire if he knew the author's work and whether it was alright for me to read. Looking back now I realize what I was really asking was: "Will this book unsettle me? Will this author tell me something I do ...