The Dark Night of the Soul and Making Space
I must admit that it feels strange to be back after all this time. I've been going through a 'Dark Night of the Soul' When I left this blog a few months ago my life was in the process of changing dramatically. I anticipated these unwanted changes to be inhibiting my ability to write and so it has been. Many writers find that the location they find themselves in not only influences how they write it also influences what they write. In my case, I moved from a place where I'd been happy and content with my life to a place I truly do not like. The town in which I currently reside is not a place where I want to live or grow old and it is certainly not the place where I want to die. It is however the place where I am for the time being. For the last few months, I've been blaming 'the wheelchair' for my current situation. After all, so a part of me reasoned these past few months, if I had been 'able-bodied', I'd have a real, paying job and I'd be a...