The Differently-abled and Our Siblings
Chrizette and I at St.Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin It's a memory, one of many featuring my youngest sister Chrizette and as far as our childhood goes it is the most vivid memory I have of her... of us. In this memory, we are on a stairwell in Adelaide's museum (Adelaide being a small town in South Africa's Eastern Cape region). I am about twelve at the time, so Chrizette must have been ten years old. I am seated in front of my sister on the very first step, my back to her chest. Then as the shocked museum curator looked on she starts pulling me up that long and winding staircase...step, by step. A few moments before that same curator had informed my sister that I had to leave 'his' museum because my wheels were dirting the floors. "Besides I don't know what she'd want here as most of the best things to see are upstairs..." Which is how I ended up with my butt on the stairs and being pulled up them. My sister is a feisty one, she ta...